Do not buy property in Turkey without making sure of these points

Important points for investors, before buying any property in Turkey

Do not buy property in Turkey without making sure of these points
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Last update 24-12-2022
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The real estate market in Turkey is one of the most preferred real estate markets by foreign investors thanks to the advantages that Turkey real estate provides, especially in terms of investment and achieving financial returns and profits, but like other investment sectors, buying a property in Turkey requires research and Pay attention to several points to make sure you get the best possible choice for you.

Important points that you should pay attention to before buying a property in Turkey:


Beware of not using the services of a real estate agent to buy a property in Turkey:

Many investors find confidence and sufficient experience in themselves to search individually and without help for real estate in Turkey, and some may actually succeed in obtaining their request without losses, but it requires high prior experience in the real estate market in Turkey and its caveats, so the best decision can be For you to take it as a foreign investor who does not have enough experience and information about the real estate market in Turkey is to hire a real estate agent to benefit from its services, as it is considered the best option in order to obtain advice and advice in many aspects that should not be overlooked before Buying a property in Turkey.


Failure to take advantage of the services provided by the real estate agent to save money:

The services that the real estate agent provides to you is to verify all the details related to the property and how good it is to buy or not, such as making sure that the property is free of tenants in it, and if there are people who rent it, he is keen to know the actual date of eviction and also searches the real estate agent In the background of the property and making sure that there are no accumulated taxes in the possession of the property owner, as this point must be paid attention to in particular by those wishing to buy an apartment in Turkey for ownership and also verifies the credibility of the owner who sells the property to you and makes sure that he owns the property and that he is authorized To sell it according to the law, and the real estate agent makes sure that you consider the existence of another owner or buyer other than you of the property.

The most important thing is to search for any restrictions on the property, such as being free from the rights resulting from the mortgage or lease, and the agent accompanies you on a field tour to examine the property and checks it to make sure that it is fit for habitation and to check the quality of the services within it, and he also gets you a copy of the bond Ownership of the property to ensure that the previous owner did not transfer his ownership in any way and that no rights are arising from him and to compare the details mentioned about the property within the title deed directly with the property and to ensure that both descriptions match.


Uncertainty about the type of real estate title deed or title deed before purchasing the property:

The title deed in Turkey has several types and forms, and the foreign investor may not have sufficient experience to distinguish between them, as each one of them has characteristics and advantages and may hinder the goal for which he buys a property in Turkey for him, for example, if the property title deed is a deed of ownership Temporary as it is when buying a property under construction or real estate within the projects that have not yet started, so you must make sure that this process is free from any obstacles that may delay the transfer of the right of temporary ownership of the property to permanent ownership after it becomes ready for housing, such as examining construction permits that The real estate project submits it as an investor charter and other licenses.


Neglecting the existence of restrictions or reservation signals on the property in Turkey before buying it:

Some real estate in Turkey may have restrictions on it, which is something that must be paid attention to and beware of so as not to fall victim to fraud or not mention the previous owner of this matter in front of you, so you must carefully check the background of the property to ensure that it is free of any signs For mortgage or real estate seizure, as the presence of such a sign means your inability to sell or buy this property, and likewise, it may negatively affect the investment value of the property or directly in its price depending on the type of violation of the sign placed on it.

It is not sufficient to examine the title deed of the property to ensure that there are no restrictions on it, as it is usually not registered on it. Therefore, a review must be made to the Real Estate Directorate and a request to obtain a real estate appraisal report for this property and then check the management plan by the Land Registry Directorate, which is done It shows all the restrictions and debts owing to the original owner of the property, which in the event that you do not pay attention to it, you will move to become responsible for it after purchasing the property, which may put you under legal liability and many unforeseen obstacles.




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