Free zones in Turkey and what are their most important advantages?

What are the free zones in Turkey and the advantages of investing in them

Free zones in Turkey and what are their most important advantages?
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Last update 24-12-2022
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At the beginning of the topic, you must be wondering what these areas are? They are areas that are not subject to the customs and tax system, located within the political borders of the state. The purpose of the existence of this area is to develop and revitalize the trade sector in Turkey, and through it, the import and export process is very easy. These areas are equipped with a superior infrastructure to serve all The projects that are being built on it, the Turkish state contains about nineteen free zones, but what are the advantages of these zones specifically? Is it valid for real estate investment or not? We will understand all these things in detail in the following article.


What are the most important advantages of investing in free zones in Turkey?

1- Whoever invests in these areas will get a 100% exemption from all customs duties and all other fees.

2- It will also be exempt from corporate income tax / value-added tax / special consumption tax.

3- He will also be exempted from stamp duty on applicable documents / 100% real estate tax / corporate tax and some services tax provided in these areas / Also, investors in these areas are exempted from income tax related to employee wages.

4- Goods can also stay for a long time within the free zones.

5- We must mention that investors will be exempt from title deed fees in case the property is sold or purchased / as well as value-added taxes that are usually imposed during the construction and construction period, as well as the case with infrastructure, as it is exempt from the taxes arising therefrom.

6- They will also be able to transfer profits from the free zones to and from Turkey whenever they want without any restrictions or controls.

7- Finally, it is possible to obtain an import permit for the used machines.


The existence of free zones in Turkey is not a modern idea. Rather, it has existed over the past many times, but with each time stage it witnesses additional developments, and it is of great importance as it contributed to providing job opportunities for many people, and investing through them means a lot of high profits, It is also very easy and convenient to work there.



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