Commercial real estate in Turkey

Get to know the advantages of buying commercial real estate in Turkey

Commercial real estate in Turkey
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Last update 24-12-2022
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The real estate market in Turkey is characterized as one of the most preferred real estate markets by investors from around the world because it provides an essential perfect factor that may be absent from many other markets, which is the great diversity of options available to investors so that this market can satisfy all The needs of people, whatever they are, as the forms of real estate in Turkey are varied and include residential properties from apartments in Turkey, homes in Turkey and villas in Turkey to even luxurious palaces, as well as properties under construction and others ready for housing in addition to this diversity of available options extending To include commercial real estate in Turkey, which is a perfect choice to achieve Investment and financial returns and profits.


The most important type of commercial properties, Stores :

A country like Turkey is characterized by its vitality, activity, and large population. InvestmentTherefore, Investment, Investment of shops in it certainly has a different aspect of distinction and success.

Those stores can have many options for selling clothes/foodstuffs/antiques/gifts, and so on, and their investment returns are usually high, especially Investmentduringseason the tourist season.

It is advisable too. When buying it, provide it with surveillance cameras to avoid theft, and it must be located in an area with similar things. It is necessary to be close to the main roads.


Differences between owning a store and a get, Each would include a department in Turkey :


  1. Each year, the store gets older, and the price will go much higher, unlike the apartments, where the value will be less if the building gets older.
  2. The store's numbers are usually less than the apartments, making the offers less.
  3. If The less is usually you buy a store and rent it, the tenant will pay the taxes.
  4. The yearly increase of the renting value in stores is higher than the apartments.


Features of commercial real estate in Turkey:

The commercial real estate market in Turkey is different from the residenti. It is a state market, and it is noted that it is more popular with those wishing to buy a property in Turkey for Investment. Therefore, the types of commercial real estate, such as hotels, offices, and shops, are evaluated so that work is done to ensure the success of Investments critical to them and achieve returns Investment.

Regardless of the reason that pushes you to buy a property in Turkey, if it is to open your own company or to use it in Investment, real estate prices in Turkey remain the most critical factor that you should pay attention to as, despite the variety of options available, the market is the same. Therefore, particular attention must be paid to the factors on which the price per square meter in commercial real estate depends.

The reason that makes commercial real estate in Turkey the preferred choice for foreign investors, especially business people, is the presence of large capacity and opportunities available for InvestmentInvestmentInvestment, especially since each of these opportunities has its advantages as the main feature related to the option of investing real estate in Turkey By renting, it is a guarantee of continuity and security of investment safety, in the long run, meaning that you enter into an investment field with guaranteed results because the demand is permanent and continuous for real estate that achieves profits for you at the time that is still constant and belongs to you. The meaning is that you will reap benefits and remarkable growth In your capital.

And suppose you want to expand your business in the future and need additional funds to achieve this. In that case, you can obtain a new real estate loan, develop or renew your property, and expand and design it according to your desire.


Essential factors in determining the value of the commercial real estate in Turkey:

Commercial real estate in Turkey, as each has important factors based on which the property's value is classified and determined. Therefore, this property's value factors and essential aspects must be considered when buying a property in Turkey.

Attention should be paid to the commercial real estate space, as this matter has a significant impact on the future work environment, as little workplaces may be the main reason for obstructing the daily work system and lead to the inability to organize and manage things as they should, and thus chaos will inevitably prevail.

Attention must also be paid to the property's design essential, as the front facade reflects an important image of the work and its characteristics and must be taken care of.

Also, the division of the real estate, i.e., its internal cutting and the distribution of spaces in it, is fundamental, starting from the areas through which customers, employees, workplaces, and services are provided. At the same time, the back parts are supposed to be dedicated to storage and work, such as the kitchen, restaurant, and cafe. So are the bathrooms.

The attachments of the commercial real estate are also necessary, as it must be ensured that there are sufficient places to park cars, whether your car or the cars of people who will work in the construction and the cars of potential customers must be taken into consideration as well as the existence of a secure transportation network to and from the workplace, i.e., the place of the commercial property. It is more vital than some think, as this may give a future glimpse of how your business can be marketed and how easily it can spread among the population.

The most important thing is to pay attention to all legal issues related to real estate, especially licensing restrictions, as, for example, the law in Turkey does not allow the sale of alcohol in any commercial property located within a hundred meters of a school or mosque. Therefore it can be said that such a property is unsuitable for you if it is. Your goal in buying a commercial property is to invest it in converting it into an entertainment club or a restaurant. If. Therefore you miss this point; some design essentials accept to keep the contract for the property so that buyers can cancel the purchase if it is denied licenses that fulfill the purpose of purchasing the property and investing it.


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