Types of commercial real estate in Turkey

Learn about the types of commercial real estate in Turkey

Types of commercial real estate in Turkey
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Last update 24-12-2022
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Commercial real estate in Turkey is one of the many options the Turkish real estate market has; many investors choose it because its results are guaranteed, and profits are high.

And some are looking for this matter to become familiar with everything related. For foTo follow, we chose today to accompany you in the next article, in which we will present the most important details related to commercial real estate in Turkey. We will learn about the most important types and their essential uses—tips, Infor example, etc., and Tips to consider.


These are the types of commercial real estate in Turkey:

1- Offices:

Offices come at the top of the list, and in Turkey, they can be used for more than one purpose. For example, it could be a law firm, an engineering office, etc.

An office for sale in Turkey can be found very quickly, especially if an expert in this regard is sought, such as a real estate company. Still, for the office to come up with the expected results, it should be chosen according to the correct foundations and well-thought-out rules—public transport links for easy access.

In addition, it is preferable to have an ATM near it and to be located in a building equipped with an electric elevator. Finally, the building must be attached to car parking, and the office must be equipped with windows for ventilation; if these standards are adhered to, the results will be distinguished.


2- Shops:

A country like Turkey is characterized by its vitality, activity, and large population. Therefore, the investment of shops in it certainly has a different aspect of distinction and success.

Those stores can have many options for selling clothes/foodstuffs/antiques/gifts, and so on, and their investment returns are usually high, especially during the tourist season,

When buying it, it is advisable to provide it with surveillance cameras to avoid any theft, and it must be located in an area that contains similar things. It is necessary to be close to the main roads.


3- Hotels:

In a country with a tourist nature like Turkey and receives large numbers of tourists every year, it is imperative that the investment of hotels in it will be crowned with success.

It is essential to keep pace with the latest trends and to be equipped with the latest decorations and accompanied by many services, which makes the customer very comfortable and happy. It is also preferable that surveillance cameras surround the hotel from everywhere, and a security guard must be.


The most important advantages of buying a commercial property in Turkey:

The many variations that can be chosen between them, quality in design, luxury, and sophistication, come in sync with their reasonablepath prices.
The good path, which is the main engine for all sectors of the country, including real estate, is moving in the path of prosperity and improvement significantly.
By purchasing a commercial property in Turkey, Turkish citizenship can be obtained if it matches the stipulated conditions; the property's priceis not less than 250.000 US dollars.
Extreme government support represented in imposing low taxes and facilitating ownership procedures.
It can be invested in more than one way, such as renting and getting a fixed return at the end of each month—this or reselling it again at a higher price and taking advantage of the conditions.

Some prefer to invest in themselves in a project.


Is the acquisition of commercial real estate negative aspects?

It certainly has a negative character, but its positive aspects leave no room for retreat, and these negatives can be controlled very wisely.

These properties may face the unavailability of renters or buyers when suddenly having to get money. However, this can be avoided when the selection is made after all the advice is considered.

Ultimately, we can fully realize that buying a commercial property in Turkey is a golden opportunity many Ultimatelyseek seize.

Since it can be used to achieve the desired goals, in all cases, the results will be positive in all cases Is it a model option?

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