What are the advantages of establishing a business in Turkey?

What are the advantages of establishing a business in Turkey?

What are the advantages of establishing a business in Turkey?
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Last update 20-12-2022
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Many people today like the idea of ​​building a business or establishing a project on the land of Turkey, as they found in it many ingredients that meet their aspirations, and they also found that it has the factors that contribute to the success of their project, so what if they choose to establish a business, will it resonate and will it be successful? What is the easy way to establish it? The following words will reveal to us the full contents of this matter.


Can we consider that establishing a business in Turkey is possible?

Of course, it is possible because Turkey is full of real estate projects, which are the main component of any business, and the case is also cheap, that is, it is not expensive that can not be afforded, which helps more to the success of the business that the value of the Turkish lira depreciates against foreign currencies, and the capital that What is required to establish this business is very simple, meaning that it will not need huge capital, and what emphasized this is the commercial law, which stipulates that Turkey treats foreign investors coming to it as any local investor, that is, no restrictions are restricting the type of business they want to adopt.


What are the most important businesses that foreigners can establish in Turkey?

There are a good number of businesses that can be opened in Turkey, such as the joint-stock company, the limited liability company, and the cooperative company, and there is also a partnership company and a simple partnership company.

There is also an opportunity to open a branch office with a specialization, and in turn, the Turkish government worked to simplify the matter for them if it eased the required procedures and eased the laws that restrict them. Of course, Turkey had a great goal in attracting them to it, as it works for the interest of its country as it works for them, today an institution can be established Business in Turkey by dealing with one party, which is the commercial registry.

-Other advantages offered by the Turkish government to those wishing to establish a business, such as the many incentives, as it is committed to agreements to prevent double taxation from which side investors suffer, and it also allowed them to obtain Turkish citizenship.

Finally, at the end of these words, we can see that there are several businesses that we can do in Turkey, especially business, which is more than profitable.


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