Military service in Turkey

All you need to know about military service for holders of Turkish citizenship

Military service in Turkey
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Last update 20-12-2022
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Among the many laws and details unknown to foreigners in Turkey are military service laws. So, who resides onboard this country will be obliged to abide by the laws of military service? What if he's Turkish? Because of the many issues raised, we decided today to discuss and decide... All this by the article shall be answered immediately... Follow us.

What does Turkish law say about requiring a foreigner to serve in Turkey?

This law stipulates that every foreigner who obtains Turkish citizenship will be obligated to abide by all the laws he imposes, just as when he obtains them, he will have the right to obtain all the rights of the Turkish citizen, so it will be his duty to abide by all the duties imposed on him. Including military service, of course.

Who is obliged to do military duty in Turkey?

Moreover, according to Turkish law, every person who has reached the age of twenty-one must undertake to perform this service... However, it should be noted that those who obtain Turkish citizenship after reaching this age will be exempted from the exercise.

But whoever obtains this citizenship through humanitarian grants or as coming from their country due to the circumstances that have occurred to them, they will be obligated to perform it as any Turkish citizen, even if they obtained it after a long period .... because what we see here is the date of entry into Turkish territory and not the date of acquisition of Turkish citizenship.

Is there a possibility that a foreigner could be exempted from military service in Turkey?

Yes, it will be possible if he brings a document from his country showing that he has done it in his country... But this rule does not apply to all nationalities in the world; Because it is limited to some nationalities only, like Azerbaijan nationality and many others.

But it is important to emphasize that there is a possibility that its execution may be deferred in the following cases:

1- If the person in question suffers from an illness but is treatable, he can submit a medical report proving his condition to obtain the postponement... And if he has obtained a three-year deferral and has not recovered, a decision will be issued to exempt him altogether.

2- In addition, should the person concerned be the subject of a judicial decision... their military service will be deferred until the end of the period for which they were convicted.

3- Like all the countries of the world, the one still in the study period will be granted a postponement even if it is more than twenty and one years... Also, for the one who has completed his university studies and has graduated and wanted to finish his studies outside of Turkey, it will be possible, and he will receive a deferral... But here, the Turkish government should acknowledge the university where he studies.

4- Furthermore, anyone who engages in scientific research or has a talent that he is working to develop can benefit from a postponement up to the age of thirty-five.

Is it possible to pay a financial indemnity rather than do military service in Turkey?

Some people wonder about this, as many countries around the world accept it... But, of course, that includes Turkey. This is not a new law in Turkey but rather the laws of the Ottoman period.

A person who has reached legal age and has been living inside or outside Turkish territory for three years or more will be able to pay an allowance for military service.

Whoever will pay the allowance while residing outside Turkey will be that all matters are completed, and payment will be made through the Turkish consulate in the country where he resides.

About the value of that compensation, it is a fixed law... It is 31 thousand Turkish liras.

We must also consider that the payment of the allowance may be refused, and this is for some reason after the application of the applicant has been studied.

After reading this article, we will have a broad idea about everything related to performing military service in Turkey and some cases of exemption and allowance payment.





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