The difference between private universities and public universities in Turkey

Advantages of studying in Turkey

The difference between private universities and public universities in Turkey
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Last update 25-12-2022
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Features of studying in Turkey:

Turkey has in its credit an impressive number of educational institutions of all kinds due to the great interest that the Turkish government gives to the education issue, as it is the most critical field in establishing the country's renaissance. In particular, a large group of prestigious universities in Turkey, both governmental and private, are spread. Still, It can be said that the essential characteristic of these universities is that each one possesses particular features that make them unique from the rest, even though public universities do not have to be more important than private universities. The same is true of the opposite, which is not necessarily true.

Several private universities in Turkey are now considered in the list of the best universities in the world and have higher ranks than those occupied by public universities. The credit for the high levels occupied by Turkish universities of all kinds is due to their work to achieve the standards that may be. Hence, it has been globally relied upon in university rankings and evaluations.


Standards enjoyed by private and public universities in Turkey:

The basis on which the process of classifying and evaluating universities is relied upon, through which universities obtain a ranking in the lists of international levels, is due to a set of criteria that measure the efficiency of universities and the quality they enjoy. It is a group in some points. The arrival of universities in Turkey to the list of the best universities worldwide is due to their work to achieve and adhere to these standards, whether they belong to public or private universities.

And it is represented in the quality of education, as well as the number of those who have graduated from this educational institution and received international awards and decorations, and the competence enjoyed by the faculty members at the university, as well as the members of them who have received international awards and decorations, in addition to following the search for Academic achievement standards and research outputs, meaning an index of articles that have been published in the most important scientific journals around the world and other specialized scientific publications issued by these universities.


The difference between public universities and private universities in Turkey:

First, it is usually known that public universities require more stringent conditions than those required by private universities to accept new students applying to them because, despite their ability to absorb large numbers, they remain unable to meet the wishes of all applicants from citizens of Turks and foreigners, especially with the increasing number of people wishing to complete their university education in Turkey.

There is also a difference in the system or mechanism for accepting new students. For example, government universities work according to the differentiation system in the process of selecting applicants for them. Through this, they determine the number of students they can accommodate in each department according to their capabilities. They allocate part of the New Year's seats for international students, who are subject to a comparison to determine who is acc from them.

As for private universities, they do not follow any differentiation system, and those wishing to join them are not required to pass a differentiation for admission. Instead, the student is usually accepted after obtaining a high school diploma.

The third difference concerns the method of choosing the branch the student will study at the university. Public universities determine this based on differentiation for secondary certificate degrees in addition to the YOS exam, while private universities take other criteria for admission.

Governmental universities also require passing a competency exam through registering, the YOS exam. In contrast, private universities do not require a similar exam and a foreign language test replaces it.

Fifthly, the tuition fees in public universities are symbolic and cheap compared to the costs that private universities must pay. Also, the costs of studying in Turkey vary between one university and another and between one branch and another in the same university.

And private universities usually have several advantages over the government, such as having modern laboratories that precede their modernity and developing those laboratories owned by public universities. In addition, private universities, despite their high costs, issue programs for discounts and scholarships every year to encourage the first students In it or to attract more outstanding students to it, and private universities provide the option of studying in foreign languages ​​such as English, which is considered attractive to international students to break the language barrier.

In private universities, the student is usually accepted in the academic specialization and the language of study he desires.

And the competition to enter public universities in Turkey is very high, especially with the increase in international students who want to study in Turkey. But, at the same time, we find that competition is not high in private universities, and their students do not direct such cases because they usually require large sums To obtain a seat in it, which is not available to a large number; therefore, those who can afford it have the comfort of choosing according to their desires.




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